Tam TA, Yumul GP Jr, Ramos EGL, Dimalanta CB, Zhou MF, Suzuki S (2005) Rare earth element geochemistry of the Zigzag- Klondyke sedimentary formations: clues to the evolution of the Baguio Mineral District (Luzon), Philippines. Resour Geol 55:217-224...
Define zigzagger. zigzagger synonyms, zigzagger pronunciation, zigzagger translation, English dictionary definition of zigzagger. n. 1. One that zigzags. 2. A sewing-machine attachment for sewing zigzag stitches. American Heritage® Dictionary of the E
Rare Earth Element Geochemistry of the Zigzag ‐ Klondyke Sedimentary Rock Formations: Clues to the Evolution of the Baguio Mineral District (Luzon), Phili... Petrographic analysis of the Oligocene-Miocene Zigzag Formation and Miocene Klondyke Formation of the Baguio Mineral District reveals a transitio...
Tam TA, Yumul GP Jr, Ramos EGL, Dimalanta CB, Zhou MF, Suzuki S (2005) Rare earth element geochemistry of the Zigzag- Klondyke sedimentary formations: clues to the evolution of the Baguio Mineral District (Luzon), Philippines. Resour Geol 55:217-224...
These analyses are par-ticularly useful in providing clues on the geologic evolution not just of Northern Luzon but of the Phil-ippine island arc system as well.Results on the petrography of the clastic rock units of the Baguio Mineral District reveal that the Zigzag Formation samples contain ...
Rare Earth Element Geochemistry of the Zigzag ‐ Klondyke Sedimentary Rock Formations: Clues to the Evolution of the Baguio Mineral District (Luzon), Phili... Petrographic analysis of the Oligocene-Miocene Zigzag Formation and Miocene Klondyke Formation of the Baguio Mineral District reveals a transitio...
Rare Earth Element Geochemistry of the Zigzag ‐ Klondyke Sedimentary Rock Formations: Clues to the Evolution of the Baguio Mineral District (Luzon), Phili... Petrographic analysis of the Oligocene-Miocene Zigzag Formation and Miocene Klondyke Formation of the Baguio Mineral District reveals a transitio...