- GNU C - Apple Clang - 带有libc、BSD-libc和Microsoft C运行时的MSVC编译器 但是这两个组件对于现代系统编程需求来说还不够。程序员通常需要建立工具、包管理器和交叉编译工具等。 因此,在C生态系统中,像CMake、Ninja、Meson这样的构建工具以及类似Conan这样的包管理器逐渐流行,而像Go和Rust这样的现代语言...
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation All rights reserved. MIT License Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the...
const std = @import("std"); pub fn erroring_int_type(comptime a: type, comptime b: type) type { const c: switch (@typeInfo(a)) { .ErrorUnion => |y| y.payload, else => a, } = undefined; const d: switch (@typeInfo(b)) { .ErrorUnion => |y| y.payload, else => b,...
Explore the remarkable Integration with C section in the Zig documentation. Here's MessageBox example const std = @import("std"); const win = std.os.windows; const user32 = win.user32; const WINAPI = win.WINAPI; const HWND = win.HWND; const LPCSTR = win.LPCSTR; const UINT = win....
3. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/846103/runtime-vs-compile-time 4. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phase_distinction 5. https://www.cnblogs.com/cdaniu/p/15456650.html 6. https://ikrima.dev/dev-notes/zig/zig-metaprogramming/ 本文参与 腾讯云自媒体同步曝光计划,分享自微信公众号。 原始发表...
The original issue that translate-c is not seeing the __builtin_rvv_vsetvlimax builtin function remains. The zig cc issue of the functions not being found is not a bug, the functions were renamed to prepend with __riscv_, so __riscv_vsetvlmax_e8m8. More context: llvm/llvm-project...
On Windows, when adding .linkSystemLibrary("c"); to my build.zig I get the following errors. lld: error: could not open 'libcmtd.lib': no such file or directory lld: error: could not open 'libvcruntimed.lib': no such file or directory ll...
cd examples bazel run -c opt //llama:OpenLLaMA-3B bazel run -c opt //llama:OpenLLaMA-3B -- --prompt="Once upon a time," Meta Llama 3 8B This model has restrictions, see here. It requires approval from Meta on Huggingface, which can take a few hours to get granted. While waitin...