结构体(Struct):方便内存管理。 const Const_struct=struct{member:u1=0;}情况下,const_struct.member=1;是非法的,const struct的所有成员都是只读的,若要可写,需要传入&const_struct,函数参数为arg_in: *const_struct,然后就可写了:arg_in.member=1; 深拷贝,慢而独立:var deepCopy: MyStruct = my_struct...
unions, and arrays can sometimes be more efficiently passed as a reference, since a copy could be arbitrarily expensive depending on the size. When these types are passed asparameters,Zig may choose to copy and pass by value, or pass by ...
Zig是一门加强版的C语言,比Rust要low level很多,通过comptime实现了范型,有一定程度的reflection。因为...
在 struct 中定义函数,然后返回 SturctName.MethodName。不能用匿名函数的语言要维护一个健全的项目的话...
// this doesn't work pub const User = struct { bot: bool, id: *const [*:0]u8, username: *const [*:0]u8, pub fn init() User { return User { .bot = false, .id = "THIS_IS_ID", .username = "THIS_IS_USERNAME" }; } ... } const user = User.init(); // this works...
("./bunfig.zig").Bunfig; pub const Cli = struct { pub const CompileTarget = @import("./compile_target.zig"); var wait_group: sync.WaitGroup = undefined; pub var log_: logger.Log = undefined; pub fn startTransform(_: std.mem.Allocator, _: Api.TransformOptions, _: *logger.Log) ...
而在Zig中我们可以将多个不同类型的数据打包成一个元组,如: pubfnArgsWrapper(comptimeArgs:type)type{returnstruct{args:Args,};}constid=@as(u32,@intCast(i));consthandle=trycoStart(sleep_test,.{id},null);// .{ id } 就是一个元组pubfncoStart(self:*Self,comptimefunction:anytype,args:...
Code Pull requests Actions Projects Security Insights Additional navigation options master 2Branches 0Tags Code This branch is2356 commits behindziglang/zig:master. A general-purpose programming language and toolchain for maintainingrobust,optimal, andreusablesoftware. ...
dependOn(©_zig_h.step); } fn addCompilerStep( b: *std.Build, optimize: std.builtin.OptimizeMode, target: std.zig.CrossTarget, ) *std.Build.Step.Compile { const exe = b.addExecutable(.{ .name = "zig", .root_source_file = .{ .path = "src/main.zig" }, ....
const fmt = struct { pub usingnamespace @import("std").fmt; pub fn hexInt(value: anytype) @TypeOf(std.fmt.fmtSliceHexLower("")) { return std.fmt.fmtSliceHexLower(std.mem.asBytes(&value)); } pub fn hexIntUp(value: anytype) @TypeOf(std.fmt.fmtSliceHexUpper("")) { ...