conststd=@import("std");// Zig 标准库constc=@cImport({// 这个头文件里声明了函数 int foo(in...
按照Titus Winters在提案P2028中所解释的概念,ABI是指在一个翻译单元中的实体(如函数、类型等)如何交互,平台相关、(编译器)供应商相关。...如果使用相同的库,clang和gcc的C编译器应该可以产生可链接的object file。...Library ABI 由于编译器一般都使用供应商所提供的标准库实现,因此标准库的ABI也事实...
显然 C 语言标准中不存在上述等价的功能;至于 C++ ,我不敢说不可能,但用模板元编程计算校验和有多...
const lib = b.addSharedLibrary("st","src/main.zig",std.build.LibExeObjStep.SharedLibKind{.unversioned = undefined}); 即可生成dll动态库和对应的lib文件。 或者直接用如下命令生成动态库 zig build-lib st.zig -dynamic 调用静态或动态库 例程: ...
Ability to create import libs from def files Ability to create static archives from object files Ability to compile C, C++, Objective-C, and Objective-C++ files However, a compiler built this way does provide a C backend, which may be useful for creating system packages of Zig projects using...
build-lib Create library fromsourceor object files build-obj Create object fromsourceor object filesfmtReformat Zigsourceinto canonical form run Create executable and run immediatelytestCreate and run atestbuild translate-c Convert C code to Zig code ...
If you are looking at this README file in a source tree, please refer to theRelease Notes,Language Reference, orStandard Library Documentationcorresponding to the version of Zig that you are using by following the appropriate link on thedownload page. ...
CMakeFiles/zigcpp.dir/src/zig_clang_cc1as_main.cpp.oBuildingCXX object CMakeFiles/zigcpp.dir/src/windows_sdk.cpp.oLinkingCXX static library zigcpp/libzigcpp.aBuilttarget zigcppBuildingC object CMakeFiles/zig-wasm2c.dir/stage1/wasm2c.c.oBuildingC object CMakeFiles/zig-wasm2c.dir/stage1/...
$cat hello.cextern int printf(const char *restrict fmt, ...);int main(void) {printf("Hello, world!\n");return 0;}$zig build&&./zig-out/bin/arocc hello.c -o hello$./helloHello, world! Using aro as a module The following assumes that your package has abuild.zig.zonfile. ...