use case: using zig cc to cross compile a cgo program for windows #7874 Closed andrewrk opened this issue Jan 24, 2021· 4 comments Closed use case: using zig cc to cross compile a cgo program for windows #7874 andrewrk opened this issue Jan 24, 2021· 4 comments Labels down...
@compileError("expected usize, found '" ++ @typeName(T) ++ "'"); } return @as(T, ptr); }, else => { @compileError("expected pointer or int, found '" ++ @typeName(T) ++ "'"); }, }; } hash算法 为了精简shellcode大小,在判断导出表函数名使用hash值比较 参考了java对String的hash...
Currently, replace-lc++to-lcon Windows host with winSDK and VC++buildtools installed to zig-clang detect files (include & libs). How? checking, runzig libcto seevcruntimelibonmsvc_lib_dir. And cross-compile (linux/macos to windows-msvc), try usexwinto download include & libs, like Yes!
option(bool, "enable-wine", "Use Wine to run cross compiled Windows tests") orelse false; const is_qemu_enabled = b.option(bool, "enable-qemu", "Use QEMU to run cross compiled foreign architecture tests") orelse false; const is_wasmtime_enabled = b.option(bool, "enable-wasmtime"...
由于工具的不统一,命令五花八门,而且在不同平台( Linux 、Windows 、macOS )上还需安装相应平台的...
zig.CrossTarget, ) *std.Build.Step.Compile { const exe = b.addExecutable(.{ .name = "zig", .root_source_file = .{ .path = "src/main.zig" }, .target = target, .optimize = optimize, }); exe.stack_size = stack_size; return exe; } const exe_cflags = [_][...
Interesting. Oh, because C arrays have to be, what's the phrase, there's statically-lengthed or the length has to be known at compile time and the compiler's not smart enough to draw the inference. Andrew Kelley: Right, exactly. But it's a constant, right, so don't you think you...
Compile app for wasm32 const web = b.addStaticLibrary("your-app-name-here-web", "path/to/main.zig"); web.setBuildMode(mode); web.setTarget(.{ .cpu_arch = .wasm32, .os_tag = .freestanding, }); // Add seizer and all other dependencies in `zig.mod` to the web target deps....
.\rustup-init.exe -y --default-toolchain $env:RUST_VERSION --default-host x86_64-pc-windows-gnu; \ Remove-Item -Path .\rustup-init.exe -Force; # --- Build cargo-zigbuild --- # FROM rust-windows as builder ENV CARGO_NET_GIT_FETCH_WITH_CLI=true # Compile dependencies only for ...
Interesting. Oh, because C arrays have to be, what's the phrase, there's statically-lengthed or the length has to be known at compile time and the compiler's not smart enough to draw the inference. Andrew Kelley: Right, exactly. But it's a constant, right, so don't you think you...