ZIF-L与ZIF-67共享相同的构建单元采用了2D分层结构,平面内的有序性是通过Co-N配位键建立的,而层间则通过氢键(N–H⋯N)连接。因此,与配位饱和的3D ZIF-67相比,2D ZIF-L更容易进行修饰。理论上,由于存在热力学壁垒,ZIF-67自发转变为ZIF-L几乎是不可能的。因此,实现从3D ZIF-67到2D ZIF-L的转变具有巨大...
理论上,由于存在热力学壁垒,ZIF-67自发转变为ZIF-L几乎是不可能的。因此,实现从3D ZIF-67到2D ZIF-L的转变具有巨大的理论意义和实际应用重要性。 南京理工大学付永胜、朱俊武团队开发了一种简便的过饱和度调节和颗粒动力学控制策略,利用微液滴中的Marangoni环流作为推动力克服热力学壁垒,成功实现3D ZIF-67立方体向2...
ZIF-L(Zinc-Involved Protein-Ligand)结构式是一种金属有机框架(Metal-Organic Framework,简称 MOF)材料。ZIF-L 是由锌(Zn)原子和有机配体(通常为咪唑类化合物)通过配位键形成的晶体材料。其结构特点是具有大量的金属 - 有机配体单元,形成三维网络结构。ZIF-L 结构式如下: 在此结构中,锌原子(Zn)与有机配体...
基于此,作者成功地实现了2D ZIF-L暴露晶面的控制。 Figure 3. (a) CVs curves of the ZIF-L-Co electrodes in O2 and Arsaturated 0.1 M KOH. (b) LSV curves and (c) Tafel plots of the ZIF-L-Co, ZIF-L-Zn@ZIF-L-Co, ZIF-67 and Pt/C. (d) LSV curves at different rotation speeds o...
Transformation of ZIF-67 Nanocubes to ZIFL Nanoframes Investigatingthe process of crystalline transformation in metal鈥搊rganicframeworks (MOFs) has significant implications in advancing our understandingof the growth mechanisms and design of innovative materials. Thisstudy achieves a theor... - 《...
纳米复合材料的制备方法及应用。该催化剂以zif-67为金属有机骨架,通过在高温下生成ceo2,并在低氧分压的状态下,位于ceo2间隙处的氧原子逃逸形成氧空位。以这种方法制备 的催化剂用于低电位下对过氧化氢的高灵敏检测,同时具有优异的抗干扰性能。然而,高温处理使得ceo2经历或者颗粒尺寸增加,从而降低ceo2的比表面积。
(NO3)2.6H2O) was used for ZIF-8, ZIF-L and ZIF-7, on the other hand cobalt nitrate hexahydrate (Co(NO3)2.6H2O) was used for ZIF-67. All these ZIFs were synthesized from fresh solutions and recycled mother liquors. The products were characterized by measuring BET equivalent surface area,...
Synthesis of ZIF-7, ZIF-8, ZIF-67 and ZIF-L from recycled mother liquors A novel Co-containing zeolitic imidazolate framework with a leaf-like morphology (ZIF-L-Co) was synthesized in aqueous media and proved to be the transient... ?ahin, Fatma,B Topuz,H Kal?P??Lar - 《Microporous ...
Abstract Textiles that possess antibacterial and self-cleaning properties play a crucial role in preventing the growth and spread of microbes. Zeolitic imidazolate framework-L (ZIF-L) nanostructures have gained significant attention in research due to their ability to sustainably release Zn2+ions, coupl...
ZIF-67 nanoparticles were grown on ZIF-L(Zn) nanosheets by in-situ heteroepitaxial method, resulting in ZIF- 67@ZIF-L(Zn) as a charming two-dimensional (2D) nanocomposite for incorporation into the Pebax-1657 and improving its CO_2/N_2 separation performance. The fabricated nanofillers and ...