The SEM, EDX and AFM analyses were applied to study morphology, distribution of the ZIF-8 in the matrix of the polymer, and surface roughness characteristic of the mixed matrix membranes, respectively. The impact of the solvent type on the structure and filtration efficiency of the resulting ...
morphology of Au ZIF 8 220 C 2 h and that Au particle with size larger than the pore diameter 1 16 nm of ZIF 8 were formed The latter suggests that these Au particles should be located on the external surface of ZIF 8 instead of the channel or within the framework Some large Au ...
To examine the morphology of ZIF-8 nanoparticles a scanning electron microscope (SEM) (device model: SEM FEI Quanta 200) was utilized. The nanoparticles were coated with gold under vacuum and analyzed using SEM. Fourier transform infrared spectrometry was conducted using a JASCO FT/IR-4600 device...
Information about crystal morphology and dispersity can be obtained from the AR-SHS curves as well, by fitting to appropriate models. To illustrate the shape selectivity of the method we compared fits of the AR-SHS patterns obtained for the largest particles (15 min) to models assuming a sph...
of ZIF-8with zinc acetate,zinc nitrate and2-methylimidazole as raw materials at different temperatures.Then,using absolute ethanol as the medium,the BA@ZIF-8drug carrying system was obtained by solvent diffusion loading bacalin(BA).The results show that the prepared ZIF-8has good morphology,...
morphology would result in inefficient N doping and poor electronic conductivity and porous structure. [16] To the best of our knowledge, there are only a few reports on successful control of homogenous and complete coating of dispersive
The results showed that the structure and morphology of ZIF-8 were maintained when the calcination temperature was less than 500℃. When the temperature reached 600℃,ZIF-8 began to decompose,the Zn in the structure changed to ZnO,and the complex ZnO@C was formed. Unfortunately,the ...
Over the years, bacterial infections have become a threat to global health and the economy. In response to this, there has been the development of various antibacterial drugs. Increased use of such antibacterial drugs has resulted in the genetic drift within the microbial body, leading to the ...
FESEM confirmed ZIF-8 nanoparticles with hexagonal morphology (170鈥 220nm). The swelling ratio decreased from 600% (Al-Gl 0%) to 130% (Al-Gl 4%) over 10h, and degradation rates increased from 50% to over 70%. Al-Gl 4% patches demonstrated 99% antibacterial efficacy against E. coli...