Figure 1. TEM images of the NaErF4:Tm (a), LDNPs (b), LDNPs-PVP (c) and LDNPs@Fe/Mn-ZIF-8 (d). Elemental mapping images of LDNPs@Fe/Mn-ZIF-8 (e). XRD patterns of the as-synthesized LDNPs and LDNPs...
Over the years, bacterial infections have become a threat to global health and the economy. In response to this, there has been the development of various antibacterial drugs. Increased use of such antibacterial drugs has resulted in the genetic drift within the microbial body, leading to the ...
According to the XRD result, crystal structure of prepared ZIF-8 is in worthy consistency with the referenced pattern of the ZIF-8 structure (JCPDS 00–062-1030) which means the sample has been synthesized successfully. Fig. S1b shows the IR spectra of as-prepared Conclusion In summary, the...
1, the XRD patterns of CeO2, ZnO@CeO2-30 s, ZnO@CeO2-1 min and ZnO@CeO2-5 min are matched well with the standard PDF card (JCPDS No. 34–0394) [27]. The results showed that the CeO2 material was successfully prepared with good crystallinity. The XRD diffraction peak after ...
所得样品的 XRD 如图2 所示,结果显示材料中含有 W28O64(JCPDS 36-0103),WC(JCPDS 51-0939)和Pt (JCPDS 04-802) 的晶相。 ▲图1.Description of preparation methods for (WC)/W24O68/NCZ8and Pt-(WC)/W24O68/NCZ8. ...
备了多孔碳-铁(F e/C)复合材料,并用于电化学催化合成氨.利用X R D,S E M等手段对其进行了表 征,再在H型电解池中电解2h测试其催化合成氨的性能.结果表明:在相对于可逆氢电极电势为 -0.2V下,氨产率达到38.2μg㊃h-1㊃m g-1,法拉第效率(F E)达到2.06%,说明了Z I F-8衍生多 孔碳-铁复合...
In Fig. 3B the positions of the sharp peaks below 2θ = 10° (8.89°) reported data (JCPDS 50-0304)84. could be ascribed to cubic phase H3PW12O40, and were indexed to the Figure 5 shows elemental surveys by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), which showed the ...
2a. The diffraction peaks of (1 1 1), (2 2 0), (3 1 1), (2 2 2), (4 0 0), (4 2 2), (5 1 1), and (4 4 0) located at 18.30, 30.12, 35.46, 37.05, 43.05, 53.42, 56.97, and 62.54° on MCSB belong to the highly crystalline Fe3O4 (JCPDS No.19–0629) [24],...
本专利技术属于电化学领域,尤其涉及一种电解水析氧催化剂材料的制备方法,具体涉及一种ZIF-8/C60复合物衍生非金属电催化剂的制备方法。 技术介绍 随着能源危机和环境问题的日益突出,开发清洁、无污染的新型可再生能源成为当今社会被广泛关注的热点问题。氢气由于其能量密度高、环境友好的特点被认为是可再生能源的首选。