60 scans were collected for each spectrum. The results were obtained in the reflectance mode. The results were processed using the OPUS 8 software (Bruker). UV–Vis spectroscopy UV–Vis spectrophotometer UV-2600 (Shimadzu, Japan) was applied to determine the concentration of risedronate during the...
Fig. 1 illustrates the FTIR spectrum of ZIF-8, where the observed characteristic peaks (cm−1) can be attributed as follows: 3416 (NH stretching), 3139 (imidazolate CH stretching), 2925 (methyl CH stretching), 1589 (C = N stretching), 991–1303 (sp2 CH bending), and 689, 756 (in...
For BTA-ZIF-8@BN-OH, the FT-IR spectrum contains all characteristic bands of h-BN and BTA-ZIF-8, indicating the presence of both components in the nanocontainers. Show abstract Solid phase microextraction of some polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons based on hydrogel containing nanohydroxyapatite and ...
Over the years, bacterial infections have become a threat to global health and the economy. In response to this, there has been the development of various antibacterial drugs. Increased use of such antibacterial drugs has resulted in the genetic drift within the microbial body, leading to the ...
The possibility of using ZIF-8 frameworks to study both hydrophilic and hydrophobic drug release kinetics was a primary goal of the current research. Additionally, dual encapsulation of two antibiotics was conducted to improve the synergistic effects of two drugs to fight against a broad spectrum of...
Several bands were observed for ZIF-8 in the FT-IR spectrum. For example, absorption bands at 2929 cm−1 and 3135 cm−1 were attributed to the aromatic and aliphatic C-H stretch of the imidazole, respec- tively74. The band at 1579 cm−1 could be assigned as the C =...
(device model: SEM FEI Quanta 200) was utilized. The nanoparticles were coated with gold under vacuum and analyzed using SEM. Fourier transform infrared spectrometry was conducted using a JASCO FT/IR-4600 device to determine functional groups. The infrared spectrum was measured within the range of...
Combined with the ATR-IR spectrum of the ZIF-8/PES membrane (ESI,† Fig. S2), this confirms that a ZIF-8 layer was formed on the PES support. SEM images (ESI,† Fig. S3) show the different surface morphologies between the PES supports and the ZIF-8/PES. The ...
6, for the two representative bacteria, only the CZA + H2O2 group showed strong red fluorescence, which means that in the presence of substrate H2O2, CZA could exert a broad spectrum of bactericidal activity. Meanwhile, the other groups only showed strong blue fluorescence, indicating that ...
Fig. 4a shows the FT-IR spectrum of the synthesized materials. The characteristic absorption peaks of the synthetic materials (Fe3O4-ZIF-8@ ZIF-67) have been previously reported. The magnetic materials exhibit a peak at 560.24 cm−1, attributed to the vibration of FeOFe, which indicates ...