波音737飞往伦敦完整教程详细版 VATSIM连飞ZIBO737实战系列 第三集 共三集因字数限制,插件、地景、电脑配置,外设等信息请查看公开笔记APP&TOOLS:X-Plane11.52 with OpenGL/VulkanZibo738 Mod 3.54.17xPilot 2.0 BETA 35VAT-SpySimBriefLittle NavmapTouch PortalSCENE
XPlaneCDU is a remote control interface for the Control Display Unit (CDU) present in X-Plane 11. This app does not provide an FMS, but simply a way to control the existing CDU from an Android tablet or phone. Currently it works with the Zibo Boeing 737