自己( ziji / zìjĭ ) is composed of these characters: 自 (zi) , 己 (ji) The traditional Chinese characters of zìjĭ are identical with the modern (simplified) characters displayed above. Tags and additional information(Meaning of individual characters, character components etc.) one's ...
Chinese (simple) reflexive zijiDiscourse comprehensionContextERPsNrefThe Principle A of the Binding Theory (Chomsky, 1981, 1986) prescribes that a reflexive should refer to a local antecedent within the local syntactic domain containing the reflexive. However, the Chinese (simple) reflexive ziji (...
(Biography) ?369–286 bc, Chinese philosopher, who greatly influenced Chinese religion through the book of Taoist philosophy that bears his name Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, ...
自己( ziji / zìjĭ ) 这里出现的汉字在中文里属于第10个最常用的汉语词组 (排名6) Other Chinese words that meanself in English zì( 自 ) 报告我们遗漏或者错误的翻译 ziji 联系我们, 我们感谢您提供良好的建议和有益的批评 搜索新的汉语词汇:...
星期六的晚上,同学们用小铁锅煮了鸡子。 One Saturday evening some students boiled a chicken in a small pan. Chinese words with pinyinji zi jí zī集资raise funds jī zi机子small machine; trigger jí zi集子collection jì zǐ继子adopted son; stepson...
Inanimate ziji and Condition A in Mandarin Isabelle Charnavel and Yujing Huang 1. Introduction* The distribution of many anaphors, including Mandarin ziji, is complicated by their sensitivity to logophoricity: such anaphors do not obey Condition A of Binding Theory (Chomsky 1986, Charnavel and ...
The Principle A of Chomsky's (1981) Binding Theory requires the reflexive pronoun in a sentence to be bound to its antecedent within its governing category. However, in Chinese sentences with a common structure “P-NP1 + VP1 + P-NP2 + VP2 + ziji”, in which the P...
The technique of Chinese word segmentation plays an important role in many applications of Chinese information processing. 汉语自动分词在中文信息处理现实应用中占据着十分重要的位置。 2. Overlapping ambiguity is a major type of ambiguity in Chinese word segmentation. 交集型分词歧义是汉语自动分词中的主...
or post as a guest submit meanings for ziji a chinese origin word which means one's own self or self. 0 rating rating ratings donato hirthe add a meaning cancel thanks for contributing you are not logged in.. please log in or register or post as a guest submit quiz on ziji {...
毽子 Level: NPCR6 Chinese dictionary Show pinyin n.shuttlecock; game in which a person keeps kicking a shuttlecock upward and prevents it from falling to the ground tī jiàn zi 踢毽子 kick the shuttlecock yī zhī jiàn zi 一只毽子