Zhuzhou huatian hotel owns 249 luxurious guests rooms which are all designed by famous stylist, and the design is emphasizing a family atmosphere to help people find tranquility in city life. We have rooms in different style including standard room, standard suite, deluxe room executive suite ...
Zhuzhou Huatian Hotel entertainment is provided on the2rd, 3th, 5th, 8th floor of the hotel, covered area over 6000 square meters. Complete all kinds of entertainment and leisure projects, KTV,swimming pool, gym, table tennis, beauty centers, hair salons, Past two years, the ministry of ...
Zhuzhou Huatian Hotel Luxury hotel located in Tianyuan You can look forward to dry cleaning/laundry services, a bar, and a gym at Zhuzhou Huatian Hotel. Treat yourself to a massage or other spa services. The on-site restaurant offers breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Free in-room WiFi and a ...
装修:2016酒店地处株洲市高新产业开发区长江广场,距火车站和京珠高速仅5分钟车程,交通便利,环境优雅。Show More Select room See all 245 photos 4.7hote很好 显示所有937条点评 位置很好、早餐很棒 房间十分干净整洁,设施齐全且高大上,服务周到贴心,酒店地理位置也非常好,居住体验真心不错,强烈推荐!!
酒店地處株洲市天元區泰山西路,毗鄰株洲市國家4A級旅遊景區神農城炎帝文化主題公園,是至武廣高速株洲站的必經之路,交通便利、環境優美、購旅方便,位居株洲市政治,文化,中央商務區。查看更多 我們提供價格保證 最新訂單:2小時前 特色 免費泊車 位置理想 美味早餐 ...
株洲华天大酒店(Huatian Hotel Zhuzhou)-来查号提供的株洲黄页中株洲华天大酒店(Huatian Hotel Zhuzhou)电话,株洲华天大酒店(Huatian Hotel Zhuzhou)地址,地图,介绍,区号,邮编等信息
Presidential suite is coalition of Chinese and western modern decoration art, having a unique style culture details, exhibit the bright culture characteristic and service ideas of Zhuzhou Huatian hotel completely. The famous master disposes it elaborately, use high-grade cloth and collocate furniture ...
Ping pong room is situated on the 5thfloor with comfortable, quite and consumed space, skid proof wooden floor, “double fish” brand ping pong table and kinds of racquets for you to choose. Service Hours:07:00-22:30 Location:5thfloor ...
2、对于工作表现优秀的员工可由酒店公费送往国内、外知名酒店及专业培训机构接受培训; 3、酒店具备华天集团人力资源共享优势; 4、酒店崇尚人本管理,为员工的成长创造良好的平台,为员工做职业生涯规划和设计。 五、截止时间: 2005年11月15日—11月20日 六、联系方式: ...
ZhuZhou Huatian Hotel Taxi Price CarCharge/KilometreRailway StationChangshaAir StationCity/Day BENZ3006.0RMB/KM80RMB600RMB660RMB900RMB CROWN3.04.20RMB/KM60RMB460RMB520RMB600RMB BUICK4.20RMB/KM60RMB460RMB520RMB600RMB 12-SEAT4.80RMB/KM70RMB500RMB580RMB700RMB ...