主葬 首页>汉语词典 《主葬》 词语主葬 拼音zhǔ zàng注音ㄓㄨˇㄗㄤˋ 解释1更多:https://www.bmcx.com/.葬礼主持人。 其它“主”字典“葬”字典
沪江在线词典网为您精选主葬的意思及读音、主葬是什么意思、反义词、近义词等信息,由f4于2012年7月9日添加。 读音:zhǔ zàng 注音:ㄓㄨˇㄗㄤˋ 基本解释: 基本解释 葬礼主持人。 元 王实甫 《西厢记》第五本第四折:“我是他亲姑娘,他又无父母,我做主葬了者。” ...
2灿烂的烟花照亮了夜空,天上的星星都悄悄藏了起来。(给多音字选择正确的读音)zangzhuǎnfacangzhuanfa发现理发西藏躲藏转动转身2)灿烂的烟花照亮了夜空,天上的星星都悄悄藏了起来。(给多音字选择正确的读音)zàng zhuǎncáng zhuàn发-__现理发[西藏躲藏|转___动转__身 ...
chinazangzhu.com的域名年龄为1年8个月5天,注册商为Hongkong Kouming International Limited,DNS为alec.ns.cloudflare.com,ali.ns.cloudflare.com,域名更新时间是2024年03月03日,域名过期时间是2024年05月17日,距离过期还有-250天。解析出来的IP有:[泛播 Cloudflare],[泛播 Cloudflare]...
Overall, "玉嬌梨" is a beautifully crafted novel that will appeal to fans of historical fiction and romance. Tianhuazangzhuren has created a rich and immersive world that will linger in readers' minds long after they finish the last page. ...
2、铭旌通常由女婿和外甥联合起来制作或购买。铭旌上面书写的话语是: 大德望岳父、舅父□老大人之铭旌 大淑德岳母、舅母○老孺人之铭旌 (三)挽幛用语 挽老师:痛失师表、教泽难忘、风范长存 挽朋友:痛失知音、牙琴谁听、旧雨空怀 挽烈士:千古流芳、永垂不朽、浩气长存 挽岳父:泰山之寒、丈人峰坠、东岳之封 ...
猪内脏 Chinese dictionary Show pinyin n.haslet zhū nèi zàng zǔ zhī 猪内脏组织 haslet tissue Hot words today 麦当劳McDonald's Corporation 结局outcome 结实solid; strong 红red; red cloth, bunting, etc. used on festive occasions 住live; stop ...
2.根据注音写汉字。狂lan(屏zhang jǔjue(guan()输han()然入梦不可捉mo(丰rao(土rang田long机zhu(埋zang(云bin(污hui(
Overall, "玉雙魚" is a masterfully crafted novel that will leave readers reflecting on their own relationships and the choices they make in life. Tianhuazangzhuren's insightful storytelling and powerful narrative make this a must-read for fans of contemporary fiction. ...
题目dasuangaocujǎozihuottanjao bbanzhǎ yantong xiaoran ffangxiao fanbǐcǐzhu hejaocheluo 1tuoqiàhaore qingiàozbian paojan duanjierránǜcai huifen waiIa rouxi zhouyounitunyantangg chijao huonóng chouzhǒng zhangao yehe seran gangang zanggan juefeitengh...