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The rule command defines a bidirectional rule. A bidirectional rule requires a matching rule. A bidirectional rule is applied to both client-originated and server-originated traffic. Create the matching rule with the matching command and populated it with the httpmatch or urlmatch commands. The mat...
(up to 4 players) - Play as the tasty sausage of your choice. Weisswurst or blutwurst, bacon or chocolate… even president or ninja! - Run for your life and avoid getting sliced, chopped, burned, or smashed in this adventure run game! - Tons of juicy sausages to choose from and ...
本期节目主要内容: 扎实推动中部崛起·河南:8500万亩小麦拔节,良种良法良技助丰收;民航局:2023年底国内注册无人机126.7万架,同比增长32%;小米汽车开售热度高,新能源汽车市场延续增长态势。(《经济信息联播》 20240329)
This command associates a global rule with a matching rule and adds the rule-template pair. Syntax matchruleglobal-rule no match Parameters rule Specifies the name of a matching rule. global-rule Specifies the name of a transform or filter rule. ...
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