快速生成拼音 这个小工具可以帮助你快速生成拼音。 用法: $ ./ wo3 xiang3 chi1 san1 wen2 yu2 wǒ xiǎng chī sān wén yú $ ./ ke3 shi4 xing1 qi1 liu4 cai2 chi1 guo4 kě shì xīng qī liù cái chī guò hong2 li3 yu2 lv4 li3 yu...
:cn: 汉字拼音 ➜ hàn zì pīn yīn. Contribute to dannyZhou/ah-pinyin development by creating an account on GitHub.
ANY foreigner who has studied Chinese is aware that to learn Chinese well, they must first grasp Pinyin(a phonetic system). Then they will be able to have a good command of Chinese pronunciation, and better equipped to obtain a basic knowledge of Chinese culture. However, the written form ...
Zhou and his team three years to create Pinyin in the 1950s. It changed the way we learned Chinese. Before Pinyin was created, 85% of Chinese people could not read, but now almost all can. “Pinyin is a bridge between China and the other countries,” said Zhou....
Font Subfamily name: Regular Unique font identifier: 米开爱情的魔咒拼音体 常规:Version 1.00 Full font name: 米开爱情的魔咒拼音体 Version string: Version 1.00 June 30, 2019, initial release Postscript name: MKaiqingdemozhoupinyinti Trademark: Trademark of MIKAIMeasurement...
米开爱情的魔咒拼音体 Version 1.00 June 30, 2019, initial release font (Font family name: 米开爱情的魔咒拼音体; Font style name: Regular), 7764 characters in total. Character distribution range:Basic Latin,Latin-1 Supplement,Latin Extended-A,Latin Extende
周游世界拼音体 Version 1.02 font(Font family name:zhouyoushijiepinyinti,周游世界拼音体;Font style name:Regular),7755 characters in total.Character distribution range:Basic Latin,Latin-1 Supplement,Latin Extended-A,Latin Extended-B,IPA Extensions,Spacing
米开爱情的魔咒拼音体 Version 1.00 June 30, 2019, initial release font(Font family name:米开爱情的魔咒拼音体,¨¬?;Font style name:Regular,¬),7764 characters in total.Character distribution range:Basic Latin,Latin-1 Supplement,Latin Extended-A,Latin
字体全名: zhouyoushijiepinyinti 版本: iekie 1.01 PostScript名称: zhouyoushijiepinyinti 商标信息: Trademark of iekie(义启字库)度量参数: 每em像素单位:: 256 垂直最小值: -63 垂直最大值: 266 水平最小值: 0 水平最大值: 254 Mac风格: 0 最小可读像素大小: 20 字体方向Hint: 1 升部: 267 降部...
a被称为“最后的大家闺秀”的张允和,有着“白发才女”等诸多的美誉。沈从文妻子张兆和的二姐,中国语言文学专家、汉语拼音的缔造者之一周有光的夫人。擅诗书格律,精昆曲。她的人生是梦想和现实的典范,且新颖不落俗套. Is called “the final lady of a renowned family” is permitted with, has “the white hair...