《中国青年研究》是面向国内外公开发行的学术性刊物,CSSCI南大核心期刊、北大核心期刊、综合影响因子0.801。中国青年研究是以了解青年、研究青年、开发青年、成就青年研究青年与青年社会发展问题的重要刊物。 主管单位:共青团中央 主办单位:中国青少年研究中心;中国青年杂志社 ...
There is a famous Chinese saying"断不成眠,此夜厌厌,就中难晓"in the Qingbei written by Liu Yong,which has different explanations,one is that Jiuzhong refers to "Inside"and the other is "Night". The reason for this phenomenon is how to understand the Chinese word Nanxiao. We analyze the...
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他故意避重就轻,不回答其他问题。 He deliberately avoided the important and did not answer other questions. tā jué de diàn yǐng de jié jú yǒu diǎn bì zhòng jiù qīng 他觉得电影的结局有点避重就轻。 He thought the end of the film was a bit of a cop-out. ...
Wei Ting Qing Ju Jiu Dian (Shang Hai Hong Qiao Ji Chang Guo Jia Hui Zhan Zhong Xin Dian ) Facilities N.B. Please note that these are considered correct at the time of publishing, but may no longer be available. If any of the facilities are absolutely essential...
Yin jin qi wang de heng liang yi ji Zhong Guo qing shao nian yin jiu qi wang liang biao de kai fa [Measurement of alcohol expectancy and development of Chinese adolescent alcohol expectancy questionnaire (CAEQ)]Newman, IQian, LShell, D...
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重庆啤酒隶属于重啤集团全称为重庆啤酒(集团)有限责任公司,拥有资产43亿,是集啤酒、饮料、生物制药于一体的大型企业集团,公司拥有28家啤酒分、子公司,分布于重庆、四川、贵州、江苏、湖南、浙江、安徽、广西等地,啤酒年生产能力突破280万千升。 重庆啤酒坚持以“科技为先导,以管理为基础,以质量为生命”的治厂方针,坚...
由客人在实际入住过中国青年救国团垦丁青年活动中心 之后评出。 –位置超赞 - 查看地图 评分8.1 8.1 评价非常好 非常好 438条住客点评 在这里住过的客人好评 “Good location, 10-min walking to the main street; private parking space; good Taiwanese breakfast. Old-fashioned courtyard house, and the ...
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