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3.1 浮游有孔虫种属组成 浮游有孔虫非常丰富,对93件表层沉积物样品进行有孔虫样品分析,共鉴定统计浮游有孔虫壳体38 566枚,浮游有孔虫的主要属包括(共13属):Globigerinoides、Globorotalia、Pulleniatina、Neogloboquadrina、Globigerinella、Globigerina、Orbulina、Globoquadrina、Sphaeroidinella、Hastigerina、Globigerinit...
Article CAS PubMed Google Scholar Zhu WJ, Yu DH, Zhao M, Lin MG, Lu Q, Wang QW, Guan YY, Li GX, Luan X, Yang YF, Qin XM, Fang C, Yang GH, Chen HZ: Antiangiogenic triterpenes isolated from Chinese herbal medicine Actinidia Chinensis Planch. Anticancer Agents Med Chem. 2012, 13...
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