to run away. a cyclone appears and carries her to the magical land of oz. wishing to return, she begins to travel to the emerald city where a great wizard lives. on her way she meets a scarecrow who needs a brain, a tin man who wants a heart, and a cowardly lion who desperately...
"The wizard of oz" says the beautiful and kind little girl dorothy and uncle Henry and aunt em live on the Kansas prairie. One day, a tornado blew her down to the strange and magical country of oz. There, she met a scarecrow in succession, iron the woodman and the cowardly lion, in...
when a nasty neighbor tries to have her dog put to sleep, dorothy takes her dog toto, to run away. a cyclone appears and carries her to the magical land of oz. wishing to return, she begins to travel to the emerald city where a great wizard lives. on her way she meets a scarecrow...
to run away. a cyclone appears and carries her to the magical land of oz. wishing to return, she begins to travel to the emerald city where a great wizard lives. on her way she meets a scarecrow who needs a brain, a tin man who wants a heart, and a cowardly lion who desperately...
"The wizard of Oz" said: little girl Rosie is more beautiful and kind-hearted and uncle Henry, Aunt Em live in the grasslands of Kansas. One day, a tornado blew her into a strange and magical country - Ozzy. There, she gradually met the scarecrow, iron Woodman and cowardly lion, they...