Arrhythmias randomized Controlled Study of Zhigancao Tang(炙甘草汤)Combined with Hydrochloride Amiodarone in the Treatment of Senile Coronary Heart Disease ... BAN Tingyu,ZHANG Yan - 《Journal of Practical Traditional Chinese Internal Medicine》 被引量: 0发表: 2016年 Efficacy Observation of Modified ...
Zhigancao Tang has been used traditionally for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases in China. The use of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is associated with improvements in clinical syndromes and quality of life of patients. A randomized clinical trial should be conducted to provide clear ...
zhixiutangjingluocao 2019年11月28日发布 05:12 zhixiutangjingluocao 为你推荐 自动连播 05:07 仙逆:古神一族来自哪里?为何会被整个洞府界唾弃 铭哥漫馆2 02:08 锦绣安宁:罗慎远告诉宜宁,在他提亲之前不许和别人跑了,宜宁让他以后对自己好些 丸子吖 02:02 好团圆:向前手撕高平,你个渣男软饭硬吃,...
制糖汤 ( zhitangtang ) 制糖汤 主治:益气滋阴。主气虚阴亏。(糖尿病) 处方:生地30克,黄芪30克,菟丝子30克,党参30克,天冬15克,麦冬15克,山萸肉12克,玄参12克,茯苓12克,泽泻12克,当归9克。 用法用量:水煎服,每日1剂,日服2次。
The legend has it that Cao Zhi,a prince of the state of Cao Wei,fell in love with the governor's daughter.However,she married his brother,Cao Pi,and the prince became upset.Later,he composed an emotional poem about the love between the goddess and common people.I...
( anerzhibaotang ) 安儿至宝汤《辨证录》 主治:小儿脾胃虚寒,上吐下泻,眼目上视,死亡顷刻.其状宛似慢惊风。 处方:人参5钱,白术5钱,茯苓3钱,巴戟天3钱,附子1钱,麦芽1钱,枳壳3分,槟榔3钱,车前子2钱,白豆蔻3钱,扁豆2钱,萝卜子1钱。 用法用量:水煎服。
yi zhi tang é bi jin zuǐ ba ji ji de①一只塘鹅闭紧嘴巴,急急地zou chuan guo qing cao di走穿)过青草地。yi
yue du tang cao di5.(★★★☆)阅读芳草地。ke ai de xiao huamao可爱的小小花猫wo jia you yi zhi xiao hua mao我家有一只小花猫。xiaohua mao de yi dui xiao er duo zhi shu zheto hai you yi sh小花猫的一对小耳朵直竖着(,)它还有一yuan liu liu de yan jingta de zui bian ge you ba...
【题目】tang hu ling neng[唐]胡令能peng tou zhi zT xue chui Iun蓬头稚子学垂纶ce zuo mei tai cao ying shen侧坐莓苔草映身。Iu ren jie wen yao zhao shou路人借问遥招手,pa de yu jing bu ying ren怕得鱼惊不应人。zhe shou shi xie le yi ge xiao hai zai he bianshi de qingjing1.这...