GN Shirazi, P Wang, X Dong, ZA Eu, CK Tham 2008 11th IEEE Singapore International Conference on Communication Systems … 10 2008 Experimental analysis of area localization scheme for sensor networks V Chandrasekhar, ZA Eu, WKG Seah, AP Venkatesh 2007 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Con...
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After singe...Y. JuW. QiuX. JiangC. LiuJU Yang1,QIU Wen1,JIANG Xuehua2,LIU Changxiao3,.Effect of berberine on pharmacokinetics of digoxin after oral administration to rats.[J];China Journal of Chinese Materia Medica,2011-07
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Li HF. Yinzhihuang oral liquid combined with blue ray irradiation treatment of neonatal jaundice of random parallel control. Journal of Practical Traditional Chinese Internal Medicine. 2013;27:15–6. CAS Google Scholar Li Q. Observation of Yinzhihuang oral liquid to treatment neonatal jaundice in...