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Adobe Research since May 2009. His research interests include computer vision, image processing, machine learning, deep learning, artificial intelligence. His contact email is “zlin AT”, and more information about his publications and profile can be found at:DBLP,Google Scholar,LinkedIn....
Google Scholar ResearchGate SZU PeerJ Contributions Articles6 Preprints1 Edited27 Reviewed4 July 20, 2023 A method of constructing a dynamic chart depth model for coastal areas Minglei Guan,Chenyang Tian,Bin Wang,Fangzheng Ji,Rui Sun,Song Yu,Chongping Wang,Qi Wang,Jingzhe Wang,Wei Zhang,Dejin ...
I am Zhecan (James) Wang, aPostdoctoral Research Fellowin theNatural Language ProcessingGroup of Computer Science at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), working under the mentorship of Prof. Kai-Wei Chang (Amazon Scholar and Sloan Fellow) and Prof. Nanyun Peng since September 2024...
Email:zhepei.wei[AT] virginia [DOT] edu [Google Scholar] [Github] About me Hello! My name is Zhepei (/dʒɜ:peɪ/) Wei, and I also go by Bruce. I'm a CS PhD student at theUniversity of Virginia, advised by Prof.Yu Meng. Prior to this, I received my B.S. and M.S...
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