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小红书:广州ZhangPan 发型定制 长发女生 可以 尝试 的 卷发 和 发色 小姐姐 希望 是 甜美 一点 的 发型,她的气质 适合的 Tony老师 给她 剪了个 氛围刘海,藕欣赏的☁️ …… …… …… http://t.cn/A6KtnFiP
Zhangpan Primary School is in Zhangpan Village in Luoyang,Henan Province.The school has only about 200 students and 19 teachers, (1) C it has a famous girls' soccer team. In 2016,the school's headmaster,Song Haibo decided to (2) B a soccer team.A year later,the girls' soccer team ...
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2At Zhangpan Primary School in the mountainous areas in Central China's Henan Province, there is a football team. The football has enriched the pupils' school lives and might help realize their dreams."I don't believe that rural children can't play football well!" said Song Haibo, principal...
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