“张乐星”读音为:zhāng lè xīng,音调为:阴平(1声)、去声(4声)、阴平(1声),调型上扬、有轻重变化,抑扬顿挫,有韵律动态美感。其平仄分别为平仄平。 笔画 “张乐星”名字的简体笔画为:7-5-9画,繁体笔画为:11-15-9画。 谐音 "张乐星”不存在不好的谐音 重名 全国叫张乐星的大概有5848人,年纪、职业、...
A diplexing orthogonal mode transducer for isolating the signals which are transmitted and received in the two different frequency bands of a satellite communications system comprises a smooth walled inner waveguide (1) which is partly overlapped by a coaxial outer waveguide (2) having an internally...
公司名称 杭州掌学教育科技有限公司 北京乐醒教育科技有限公司 成立时间 2014年 2015年 经营商品 教育机构 美术课、手工课、运动课、语文课 品牌参数 品牌发源地 杭州 北京 成立时间 2015年 2015年 注册资金 100万元 100万元加盟条件 加盟费 19800 10万元 保证金 2万元 3万元 特许使用费 1万元 2万元 适合人...
张乐行故居位于涡阳县张老家村,是捻军首领张乐行的诞生地,安徽省重点文物保护单位。故居属清式四合院,院内松柏掩映,有合瓦瓦房16间,其中前排堂屋5间,后客厅5间,东西厢房各3间。客厅重梁起架,雕梁画栋,明柱走廊,花格门窗,建筑雄伟。故居内存有张氏大宗谱、张氏小宗图、张慰祖墓碑及张敏行墓碑等。 张乐行(1810-...
An antenna system comprising a plurality of loop antenna sets with each of the plurality of loop antenna sets disposed in one of a plurality of different parallel planes with each of the planes being spaced apart from another adjacent plane and wherein loop antenna set in the plurality of ...
A self-diplexing antenna according to this embodiment includes two semicircular radiating patches each including open slots of different lengths and positioned on the same plane and spaced apart from each other; a ground plane including symmetrical pattern slots; a dielectric layer positioned between ...
Improvements in diplexing or multiplexing video systems897,959. Television. COMPAGNIE GENERALE DE TELEGRAPHIE SANS F1L. March 14, 1960 [March 23, 1959], No. 8942/60. Drawings to Specification. Class 40(3). In a compatible colour television transmission system the red and blue colour component...
An antenna system comprising a plurality of loop antenna sets with each of the plurality of loop antenna sets disposed in one of a plurality of different parallel planes with each of the planes being spaced apart from another adjacent plane and wherein loop antenna set in the plurality of ...