The apparatus comprises devices for holding the fuel element while a high pressure stream internally pressurizes the fuel element to expand the fuel element sheath away from the fuel pellets therein so that the fuel pellets may be easily removed.C D * JOHN JR...
GIF编辑 GIF缩放 GIF裁剪 GIF压缩 智能抠图 手机制作GIF GIF高级定制 搜索 个人VIP买1送10 动图工具特权 全站工具228+功能 高速通道 VIP制作下载专属通道 海量gif搜索 高清gif原图收藏/上传 超值赠送 价值399会员大礼包 终身VIP限时优惠,买1送10(联合VIP) ...
The apparatus comprises devices for holding the fuel element while a high pressure stream internally pressurizes the fuel element to expand the fuel element sheath away from the fuel pellets therein so that the fuel pellets may be easily removed.JOHN JR C D...
After the head has been inserted, the ring can be pushed in and withdrawn in the circumferential direction through a cut-out (10) in the groove.KELLER, ARNOLD
After the head has been inserted, the ring can be pushed in and withdrawn in the circumferential direction through a cut-out (10) in the groove.KELLER, ARNOLD
seen to be brenslekutsar in kapslingsror at framstellning of kernbrenslestavar jemte equipment for implementation of setA method and an apparatus for manufacturing nuclear fuel rods by introducing elongated fuel pellets into cladding tubes. The pellets are arranged in end-to-end relationship on ...
device for overfora cylindrical kernbrenslekutsar from a grinder to a tragladdareT B * HUGGINS
In an example pellets of UO 2 of density 102 g./c.c. were obtained by using 12% of added dextrin.B R * STEELE
procedure and device for completing the brenslekutsar in kernbrenslestavarApparatus for loading fuel pellets into fuel rods for a nuclear reactor including a base supporting a table having grooves therein for holding a multiplicity of pellets. Multiple fuel rods are placed in alignment with grooves ...
procedure and device for completing the brenslekutsar in kernbrenslestavarApparatus for loading fuel pellets into fuel rods for a nuclear reactor including a base supporting a table having grooves therein for holding a multiplicity of pellets. Multiple fuel rods are placed in alignment with grooves ...