Independent claims are also included for (1) chitin obtained by this method, using a single boiling stage (2) completely deacetylated chitosan with a mol. wt. of more than 450000 (as determined by steric exclusion chromatography), obtained by the above method followed by neutralisation to pH ...
留题张彝憲池亭作者:杨亿【宋】萧灑危亭枕碧池,昔年飞盖此追随。正逢五彩承颜日,兼是三荆并秀时。 更多: 夜坐不知银汉没,春游长诉玉杯迟。如今罢郡重登赏,喜见扶风旧白眉。推荐工具 在线翻译 英汉词典 汉英词典 汉语词典 简繁互转 成语大全 汉字拼音转换 文字竖排 字典 五笔编码查询...
Cotton cells, plants, and seeds genetically engineered to express insecticidal and fungicidal, chiting binding proteins (lectins).Chimeric genes encoding lectins exhibiting pesticidal activity (for example, insecticidal and/or fungicidal activity) are disclosed which can be used to transform cotton to ...
Provided is a formulation containing amorphous or microcrystalline calcium carbonate finely interspersed with organic matter in a ratio of 10 parts of the carbonate per 1 to 3 parts of the organic matter, wherein the organic matter consists of chitin and polypeptide. The formulation is efficient in...