散射 等离子体 温度、密度对目标等离子体隐身效果影响的FDTD分析 等离子体隐身 雷达散射截面 等离子体 电磁波 FDTD 不均匀非磁化等离子体覆盖三维目标的FDTD分析 FDTD 等离子体隐身 电子密度分布 雷达散射截面 基于Z-FDTD的THz波与等离子体相互作用 Z变换时域有限差分法 太赫兹波 等离子体鞘层 黑障内容...
使用Z变换FDTD法计算仿真色散媒质中电磁场 维普资讯 http://www.cqvip.com
fdtd-z -- fast, scalable, and free photonic simulation fdtd-z is our first step in revolutionizing photonic design by enabling photonic engineers to harness compute at scale. fast: 100x faster than CPU implementations such as Meep, Lumerical, RSoft, ..., scalable: easily runs simulations on ...
FDTD的Z变换和等离子体的仿真fdtd的z变换和等离子体的仿真f变换fdtd等离子体z变换fdtdz变换和仿真z变换fdtd的 %%%%%%%% Formulation using Z transforms %%%%%%%% %%%%%%%% Simulation of an Unmagnetized Plasma %%%%%%%% %%%%%%%% the electron collision frequency 20GHz %%%%%%%% %%%%%%%% plasma...
需要如何设置2D fdtd区域为Z截面
This letter presents the graphic processor unit (GPU) implementation of the finite-difference time domain (FDTD) method for the solution of the two-dimensional electromagnetic fields inside dispersive media. The FDTD is truncated by the convolutional perfectly matched layer (CPML) and the piecewise-li...
First, thank you very much for creating this package, I have been looking for something like this for a long time and am very excited to experiment with fdtdz. I just wanted to post this here in case anyone else runs into the same issue. ...
序列号:C8PK51ZFDTD2 设备名称:iPhone 4S 容 量:16GB 颜 色:白色 类 型:iPhone4,1 代 号:n94ap 型 号:MD239 激活状态:已激活(2013年02月18日)电话支持:未过期(2013年05月19日)硬件保修:未过期(2014年02月17日)生产日期:2013年01月29日 - 2013年02月04日 生产工厂:...
Recently, there has been activity to improve the accuracy without leaving the regular cubic structure of FDTD. However, a bottle-neck in the use of this approach with lossy media was the fact that a complex matrix had to be inverted. In this paper a Z-transform formulation is added to ...