Kontakt Compliance ZF Friedrichshafen AG 88038 Friedrichshafen compliance@zf.com Cookie-Einstellungen Folgen Sie ZF: Kontakt Häufige Fragen Allgemeine & technische Anfragen Einkäufer Anfragen Bewerber - Job Board Presse Investor Relations Trustline: Hinweisgebersystem Medien & Publikationen ...
ZF Friedrichshafen AG D-88038 Friedrichshafen (腓德烈斯哈芬市) 电话: +49 7541 77-0 传真: +49 7541 77-908000 ZH 1358.751.802a - 2016-02 7 安全提示 安全提示 通用安全提示 请阅读所有安全提示和说明。如不遵守这些安全提示和说明,则有可能导致财产损失、人员严重受伤或死 亡。 合规使用 ZF 产品只...
ZF-TRW - Global Headquarters Chassis, transmission, driveline systems ZFFriedrichshafen AG Graf-von-Soden-Platz 1 Friedrichshafen 88046 Germany Tel: +49 7541 770 Fax: +49 7541 77 908 000 Web: http://www.zf.com Latitude: 47.66757 Longitude: 9.49342 Company Type: Public Senior Officers Dr. ...
ZF Friedrichshafen AG se reserva expresamente el derecho de cambiar, complementar, borrar partes de las páginas ofrecidas o incluso la oferta completa sin enviar una notificación asociada; lo mismo se aplica a la suspensión temporal o final de las publicaciones/mensajes. Alcance Este aviso legal...
ZFFriedrichshafenAG D-88038Friedrichshafen phone:+***505 fax: +497541777319 Page1 CommercialVehicleand SpecialDrivelineTechnology Manualandautomatictransmissions forvans,trucksandbusesListoflubricantsTE-ML02 Tableofcontentspage 1. Approvedlubricantclasses 1 1.1VAN1 1.2Trucks2 1.3Buses4 1.4Productgroups/Models...
The current list can be requested from any ZF after-salesservice center or accessed on the Internet under www.zf.com.Edition 01.04.2009 replaces all previousZF Friedrichshafen AGZF Friedrichshafen AGD-88038 Friedrichshafenphone: + 49 7541 77 3505fax: + 49 7541 77 7319Page 1 Commercial Vehicle ...
Motoring pleasure with the ZF-Intarder is brought to you by ZF Friedrichshafen AG Nutzfahrzeug- und Sonder-Antriebstechnik D-88038 Friedrichshafen Phone: +49 (0) 7541 77-0 Fax: +49 (0) 7541 77-908000 Internet: www.zf.com The ZF Customer Service specialists are available to assist you in...
ZF Friedrichshafen AG Konzernkommunikation Corporate Communications D-88038 Friedrichshafen Deutschland · Germany 第 3/4 页,2015-04-20 图注: 1. 采埃孚(ZF) 专为乘用车研发的9 挡自动变速器(9HP):结构紧凑、 性能出众、传动高效。 2. 新款采埃孚(ZF)9 挡自动变速器(9HP)适用于前横置发动机乘用车 型,...
Pagina 1 di 15 ZF Friedrichshafen AG D-88038 Friedrichshafen www.zf.com/contact Segue ZF Friedrichshafen AG / Tabella dei lubrificanti TE-ML 02, edizione 01.07.2024 Gruppi di prodotto Veicoli industriali (Segue) Nota: Invece dello "0" come ultima cifra può essere indicato anche il 2, 3, ...
充分享受ZF-ASTronic/ASMid变速器带给您的驾驶 乐趣和便利。 ZFFriedrichshafenAG/ZF齿轮集团齿轮集团齿轮集团齿轮集团 CommercialVehicleandSpecialDrivelineTechnology D-88038 电话:+49(0)754177-0 传真:+49(0)754177-908000 网址:.zf 安全须知 安全须知安全须知安全须知安全须知 ...