0015 三防200W的双电大盒子geekvape aegis x kit 评测搬运 by 小二蒸汽ERvape 3926 -- 10:39 App 0066Geekvape Aegis Hero Pod Kit宙斯新品小机器 3163 2 2:37 App Geek Vape ZEUS X RTA - 25mm UPDATED AIRFLOW & DECK - FIRST-LOOK! 2302 5 8:33 App geekvape/触控笔2/唱针测评 979 -- 0:57...
GeekVape Zeus X RTA features the innovative leak-proof top airflow system, airflow transferring from the top to the bottom.
while very cool-looking, isn’t really my favorite tip. I like to wrap my lips around the drip-tip when I vape, but there’s not a lot to grab on this RTA, so I find my lips touching the top cap almost every time. Granted, I’ve never burned my lips vaping the Zeus X, but ...
Geekvape Zeus Dual RTA glass tube is the replacement glass tube for Zeus Dual RTA tank, if you are looking for the backup glass for this atomizer, this is the best one for you. Parameters E-juice Capacity: 5.5mlMaterial: Transparent Glass GeekVape Zeus Dual RTA Glass Tube comes with 1* ...