Those original network developers gave it no thought, any more than the inventors of the internal combustion engine could have imagined 12-lane superhighways, air bags, GPS, drunk driving, and 200 mph races. The precursor of the Internet was done around 1970. In the spirit of the times, the...
Pulse Contributors Commits Code frequency Dependency graph Network Forks udf / uniborg Aadambro / uniborg Adarshaneesh / uniborg AnonymousKiddo / uniborg Bharathnutakki / uniborg D0Tapk / uniborg drmhdh / uniborg eli332 / uniborg
It also works well if you only have an intermittent network connection because the definitions are stored offline, locally on the device. And we managed to keep data offline without needing a massive app download. There is also a "word of the day" with our pick of the most interesting and...