While preparing for the final battle of the war, Zeus and his siblings ascended to Mount Olympus (the tallest mountain in Greece after Mount Orthys). During the final battle, Zeus used his Master Bolt to shear off the top of Mount Othrys, and hurl Kronos from his Black Throne, defeating...
For millenia Zeus remained the ruler of the Olympian gods and of Olympus itself, as well as a staunch ally of theAsgardians. In the centuries since the Celestials first appeared on Earth, Zeus formed a personal friendship with Odin, the Lord of Asgard and even lead and commanded the Olympia...
This article contains lore based on real-life sources of the Greek mythology as introduced from the God of War Greek era. Zeus (Greek: Ζεύς/Δίας) was the King of Olympus and the ruler of the Greek Pantheon, as well as the God of the Sky,