LAVENDER ESSENTIAL OIL CONCENTRATES THE MEDICINAL PROPERTIES OF THE HERB. Antibacterial, antiseptic properties are also present in herbs likecoconut,calendula, andeucalyptus, whereaschamomile,lemon balm, andlemongrassalso provide mild sedative effects that induce sleep. Lavender Side Effects Potential side ef...
Garlic owes most of its medicinal properties to the sulfuric compounds allicin and ajoene.1,2Allicin, an organosulfur compound, is the most potent one, providing garlic with itsdistinct aromaand its antibacterial and antifungal action.Ajoene, derived from allicin, also hasblood-thinningand lipid-lowe...
Areas that arewaterloggedor haveexcess moisture, on the other hand, will result in the death of the neem tree. Neem can withstand heat up to120°F (49°C)and cold temperatures as low as32°F (0°C). Due to its antibacterial, antiparasitic properties, neemis not susceptible to pests, ...