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Centre for Enterprise Systems Engineering, INESC TEC, Porto, PortugalArtur Freitas GonalvesSYSTEC - Research Center for Systems and Technologies - Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto, Porto, PortugalJoo ReisSYSTEC - Research Center for Systems and Technologies - Faculty of Engineering, ...
Mi affascinano gli angolini sperduti di internet, la grafica dei primi videogiochi in 3D e le immagini che ricadono sotto l’ombrello per nulla definito della dicitura aesthetic, rispetto alle quali porto avanti un’attività di catalogazione compulsiva che ha come punto d’arrivo alcuni ...
E ok porto con me i miei fra siamo partiti da zero Siam partiti da zero partiti da zero partiti da zero Siam partiti da zero siam partiti da zero siam partiti da zero Siam partiti da zero partiti da zero partiti da zero Siam partiti da zero siam partiti da zero Lei mi dice ...
In Proceedings of the Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases: European Conference, ECML PKDD 2015, Porto, Portugal, 7–11 September 2015; Proceedings, Part I 15. Springer: Berlin/Heidelberg, Germany, 2015; pp. 135–151. [Google Scholar] Yang, Y.; Hospedales, T.M. A ...
In Proceedings of the Thirteenth EuroSys Conference, Porto, Portugal, 23–26 April 2018; pp. 1–15. 16. Hyperledger Calipar. Available online: (accessed on 19 June 2022). 17. Mell, P.; Dray, J.; Shook, J. Smart contract federated identity ...
aInbsatteeamde, natn oafbaatreomunendt 7o6f%arowuansdo7b6t%ainwedaswobhteanintehde winhietinalthceoninceitniatrlactoionncewntarsatciolonsewatos 8cl0omsegt/oL8(0Fimgugr/eL5(aF)i.gNuoreta5bale). imNportoavbelemiemnptsroovfepmroecnetsssopfeprfroorcmesasnpceesrfworemreanobcesserwveedreboy...
Thh. Te hLeC LOCEOsEosf osfe sveevrearlapl rportoottoytpyepea nanddc coommmmeerrcciaial-ls-sccaalelep poowweerr ppllaannttss aanndd SSMMRRss aarree aallssoo ccoommppaarreedd iinn FFiigguurree 1111 iinn aa nnuummbbeerr ooff ddiiff...
37. Afjei, T.; Dott, R.; Huber, A. Heizen und Kühlen mit Erdgekoppelten Wärmepumpen (German: Heating and Cooling with Ground Coupled Heat Pumps); Schweizerische Eidgenossenschaft, Eidgenössisches Department für Umwelt, Verkehr, Energie, Kommunikation: Bern, Switzerland, 2007; pp. 1...
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