By making a universal zero target, users need only a single target eliminating the need for procuring and storing various targets. Additionally, the multi-sight target eliminates the need for field expedient zeroing solutions. The product saves both time and money and improves the results for ...
例如在财务管理中,将账户余额或预算消耗归零以重新计算周期数据;在计算机编程中,初始化变量或内存空间时将其赋值为零。此外,该词可引申为“彻底消除”,如军事术语中“zeroing a target”(彻底摧毁目标)。 三、技术实现与行业应用 归零操作的具体方法因场景而异:机械设备可能通过旋钮手动调节(如显...
Before taking a shot, the hunter zeroed in on his target. (在射击前,猎人校正了他的目标。) The instrument needs regular zeroing to maintain accuracy. (仪器需要定期归零以保持准确性。) Zeroing the power meter is essential before each ride. (每次骑行前,对功率计进行归零是至关重要的。) In compu...自动调零;自动稳零 7.zeroingdevice调装装置;调零 8.self-zeroing自动回零的 9.simplezeroing简单归零法 10.modelzeroing型号归零;归零法 用法例句 1. Kind of likezeroingin on a precision target. 种一样,在零上精确的目标。 2.
“target”侧重“选定对象”,而“zero in on”隐含“通过分析缩小范围后锁定目标”。例如,广告投放可能“target young adults”(面向青年群体),而数据分析会“zero in on high-conversion user behaviors”(精准分析高转化率用户行为)。 四、使用注意事项 正式与非正式语境 该短语在新闻报...
v. zero in on,[~+in+on+object] to aim directly at:to zero in on a target. to direct one's attention to; focus on:I zeroed in on finishing my work before the deadline. to converge on:The squadron of planes zeroed in on the aircraft carrier. ... aim (a weapon) at a target close in on or focus attention on an objective 英汉例句 1.It now appears as if Stamford Bridge could be his next destination, with compatriot Jose Mourinho zeroing in on him. 但是现在同胞穆里尼奥向他招手,看来葡萄牙国脚的下一个目的地可能是。
:to bring to bear on the exact range of a target —usually used within intransitive verb 1 :to adjust fire on a specific target —usually used within 2 :to close in on or focus attention on an objective usually used within investigators arezeroingin on a suspect ...
【GBRS】Target fixation 00:50 【GBRS】HAPPY VETERANS DAY 02:25 【GBRS】Veterans Day 00:39 【GBRS】Reaction Video | Patreon Member Saves Woman From Being Kidnapped 11:17 【GBRS】SWITCHING SHOULDERS 00:53 【GBRS】Lighting variables 00:52 【GBRS】Knowledge Transfer Collective KTC Alu...