Zeroing neural network (ZNN)Bound-constrained time-varying nonlinear equationTheoretical analysisMobile robot manipulatorsA typical class of recurrent neural networks called zeroing neural network (ZNN) has been considered as a powerful alternative for time-varying problems solving. In this paper, a new ...
所谓Zeroing Neural Network(零化神经网络),实质上是对PID算法的简化版本,再添加激活函数以增添复杂性,其与主流神经网络和机器学习概念关联不大。这一网络类型在学术圈内常被某些教师间相互引用,以维持研究活跃度,频繁在SCI期刊的1区和2区发表文章。这一现象可能给人一种错觉,以为Zeroing Neural Ne...
所谓的Zeroing Neural Network就是阉割过的PID算法,然后套个激活函数故弄玄虚,和主流的神经网络,机器学...
所谓的Zeroing Neural Network就是阉割过的PID算法,然后套个激活函数故弄玄虚,和主流的神经网络,机器学...
Zeroing Neural Network (ZNN)The time-varying Lyapunov equation is an important problem that has been extensively employed in the engineering field and the Zeroing Neural Network (ZNN) is a powerful tool for solving such problem. However, unpredictable noises can potentially harm ZNN's accuracy in ...
Zeroingneural network(ZNN) has been explored and applied in a variety of time-varying problems solving. However, ZNN models for inequality constrained time-varyinglinear equation(ICTVLE) solving are rarely reported. Generally, numerous practical problems can be mathematically modeled as ICTVLE problems...
申请方汇总了中山大学数据科学与计算机学院零化神经网络(Zeroing neural network, ZNN)之前之后讲座介绍、报告人、讲座时间等信息,方便大家及时了解参加讲座。
In order to ensure the efficiency and accuracy of the proposed DHC, the zeroing neural network (ZNN) is adopted to solve the time-varying key inversion (TVKI) matrix of the DHC decryption. Generally, conventional zeroing neural network (C-ZNN) models cannot effectively deal with the noises, ...
零化神经网络ZNN是一种专门为求解时变问题而设计的动力学神经网络模型,在向量、矩阵、张量等数值求解问题,不等式问题,图像处理、机械手跟踪、混沌同步、多智能体系统一致性等领域的研究和应用。 ZNN的一个重要特性是能够利用时变参数的时间导数,很好地跟踪时变解。ZNN通过基于误差下降的原理使得系统自动达到平衡,使状...
Solving the time-varying problem in a constructive manner remains a challenge. This study considers an exp-aided conversion from time-varying linear matrix inequations to equations to solve the intractable problem. On the basis of zeroing neural network (ZNN) method, a continuous-time zeroing ...