We found that slight paraphrasing made it a little more difficult for GPTZero to determine whether the text was AI-generated, but it was a mixed bag overall. I'd also add that the paraphrased output was of terrible quality. The text on the left was the original, while the text on the...
Their so called "AI Paraphrasing Detection" update seems to have a ton of false positives.My colleagues who are writers, do NOT use any AI have dozens of articles written many many years back flagged as being paraphrased by AI. It seems that GPTZero has targeted our website, aeon.co, ...
The results pin point the likelihood of AI involvement in the specific text script. The interface of is so easy to handle it is user friendly.It has continual updates and improvements with the advancement of AI. It makes this tool a relevent and uptodate so that it detects all the AI in...
$2.3K −220 Domain Rating 62 Pages contentdetector.ai 68 K −27K $30K −5.8K Domain Rating 51 Pages 74 Unlock more data with Ahrefs Get an in-depth look at the organic search traffic and backlink profile of any website or URL. ...
AI detectors like Turnitin and GPTZero Lacks bulk processing and advanced tools for larger-scale projects Some content may still require manual editing to sound completely natural Dependence on the tool might hinder the development of personal writing skills It may not fully capture the unique ...
Edit the AI text closely, shortening and paraphrasing where possible. Also, remove sections that are repetitive and might sound too much like they were AI-created. Intentional Errors Some might advise that you add intentional mistakes or discrepancies in a bit to bypass ZeroGPT. However, this is...