Many of my options strategies which I was finding difficult to make profit because of the high brokerage, started to make sense now. Hence I took risk and opened the account with Zerodha and deposited small capital to try out them. For detailed information aboutZerodha Brokerage Charges, refer...
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Supports Live Data, Swing / Momentum Trading, Intraday Trading, Connect to online brokers as Zerodha Kite, Risk Management, Emotion Control, Screening, Strategies, Backtesting, Automatic Stock Downloading after closing, live free day trading data and much more python options trading stock-market algo...
As you can see in this case, when the delta of a call option goes below 0, there is a possibility for the premium to go below 0, which is impossible. At this point do recollect the premium irrespective of a call or put can never be negative. Hence for this reason, the delta of a...
I do not know how to trade in Option Market. Now, Zerodha inspires me to know the procedure. Thanks a lot for inspiring… Reply Faisal says: March 22, 2019 at 2:07 pm You can learn about Options on Varsity. Reply Brhmananda Majhi says: March 29, 2019 at 7:56 pm Dear Fais...
a. You can setup strategies assuming that Nifty will go towards 5600. b. You can use this for position management, which means that if Nifty is below the MaxPain, take larger buy positions than short positions, because we are generally expecting Nifty to go up. Similarly if Nifty is above...