Hi, My account is active on kite mobile app & on web page, but I am unable to login into ‘Pi’ login on webpage. Please suggest Reply Nithin Kamath says: April 30, 2017 at 7:42 pm Hmm.. you should be able to. Can you email support@zerodha.com for account specific queries....
Find below a quick introduction to Varsity videos by Karthik, the heart, brain, & soul behind Varsity. By the way, Karthik and I had known each other for many years before he joined Zerodha. Here is thatoriginal email from 2014that I had sent to Karthik asking him to join us as an ...
Can you send an email to support@zerodha.com with your contact and client ID. Credentials to login to kite and Pi is the same. Reply Vipul says: May 2, 2016 at 5:03 pm Why not add “NSE Smallcap Index” in market watch of PI ?“Midcap Index” Value is not update at this ...
then volatility has to be one of the inputs. For Nifty option contracts, use the India VIX index value. Alternatively, if you have a view on volatility from today to expiry, you can input that as well. You can do the same thing for stocks. ...
Traders, We have received a lot of queries over the past few days on what the new rates of STT and CTT are and when are they applicable from. Firstly, STT