SME IPO: Identical Brains Studios shares list at 76% premium on NSE Shares of Identical Brains Studios were listed on NSE at Rs 95, a 76% premium to its IPO price. The company raised Rs 20 crore. The funds will be used for office renovation, a new branch in Lucknow, equipment purchase...
Do remember that if you are short/written options (sold first), you have already paid STT and it doesn’t matter if you buy the options on the exchange or hold them till expiry to square off, there is no STT on the buying side. Currency trading in India presently has no STT levied ...
If you wish to calculate the theoretical option priceas one of the desired outputs, then volatility has to be one of the inputs. For Nifty option contracts, use the India VIX index value. Alternatively, if you have a view on volatility from today to expiry, you can input that as well....