Today I saw that the chart is delayed by five minute on the market watch so could not pick out the trend all the time. Is it so that I am being provided a five minute delayed chart on kite. please help and confirm. Regards . Upendra Reply Nithin Kamath says: September 29, 2016 ...
today i m update Pi but after update there missing some important indicators like Pivot points i m must need that in Pi please help me about this Pivot points indicators remove in pi please add again in Pi chart thanks in Advance please reply me also Reply Naveen Roy says: March 22, ...
If custom is not possible soon, at least add 75 min time frame. I came to know that Zerodha customer support is very prompt. Hope you will bring this feature too. Some other features: 1. Multiple chart time frame sync. e.g. – if i open chart for SBIN and in different window I ...
So if the market is falling and there is a huge addition in OI, this would mean that the existing short positions which are making profits are adding more and hence the fall could be bigger. But understand that this is only theory and may or may not work like this in reality. ...
The difference, though not significant, mainly occurs due to factors such as wrong volatility assumptions, bid-ask spread, liquidity, transaction charges, and taxes. Following the theoretical option price you can find the data on Greek values. As of today Nifty spot is 8085, and the closest ...