Zerodha Brokerage Charges : Equity Options Options brokerage of the Zerodha is most attractive. They charge Flat Rs20/trade irrespective of number of lots. Before 2010, full service brokers charged (they continue to charge now also) per lot basis. Because of the fixed Rs20/trade, many of th...
To check the brokerage for buy/sell, enter only the buy/sell price into the calculator respectively. Reply Atulsingh Rajput says: March 22, 2019 at 3:01 pm Hi,, please also do something for allowing to buy any options of bank nifty,, most of the time options of bank nifty with ...
1. Options calculator in Zerodha Trader doesn’t work, despite fixing all issues as explained in your website/msg board. 2. When pricing options using B&S model for Nifty index, should i input the Nifty Underlying price or Nifty Current Month’s Future price. 3. Can i hedge a stock by...
Zerodha Capital - Avail loans against securities in your demat, build your credit score, and enjoy interest rates cheaper than personal loans.
potentially go bankrupt if they’re unable to recover the debits from clients, thereby risking not just other customers, but the entire market. As you can imagine, the higher the leverage, the higher the risk. Not just for the trader, but to the brokerage firm and in turn, the ...
For starters, the positive aspect of trading Interest rate futures is that there is no STT (Security Transaction Tax), and there is a bonus of not having to pay brokerage until 31st of March 2014 at Zerodha. Underlying? Futures are derivative contracts, whose value is derived from ...
Traders, Open Interest, MaxPain and Put Call ratio are some of the most misunderstood topics amongst beginner/amateur traders; below is our attempt to
Traders, We have received a lot of queries over the past few days on what the new rates of STT and CTT are and when are they applicable from. Firstly, STT
Calculate your costs upfrontusing our brokerage calculator Charges explained Securities/Commodities transaction tax Tax by the government when transacting on the exchanges. Charged as above on both buy and sell sides when trading equity delivery. Charged only on selling side when trading intraday or ...