Zerodha Brokerage Charges : Equity Options Options brokerage of the Zerodha is most attractive. They charge Flat Rs20/trade irrespective of number of lots. Before 2010, full service brokers charged (they continue to charge now also) per lot basis. Because of the fixed Rs20/trade, many of th...
Do check out our charges list for the latest schedule of all charges and use the brokerage calculator to know all the costs up front before you place a trade. Over the last nine years, we’ve crossed numerous milestones such as this to make trading and investing easier for you. There ...
basically a point where the maximum number of options, both calls and puts value could become zero (worthless) on the expiry day. To calculate this we need the open interest of both calls and puts for various strike prices(Nifty in this example) and use a correct formula to calculate the...
For starters, the positive aspect of trading Interest rate futures is that there is no STT (Security Transaction Tax), and there is a bonus of not having to pay brokerage until 31st of March 2014 at Zerodha. Underlying? Futures are derivative contracts, whose value is derived from ...