Zerodha Brokerage Charges : Equity Options Options brokerage of the Zerodha is most attractive. They charge Flat Rs20/trade irrespective of number of lots. Before 2010, full service brokers charged (they continue to charge now also) per lot basis. Because of the fixed Rs20/trade, many of th...
However when we check on Brokerage Calculator, e.g. for ZincMini at the current price, it shows the brokerage of around 40 rs. Why is that so ? Or the Charges List should say “0.01% or Rs. 20/executed order whichever is HIGHER” ? Best wishes. Girish Reply Billy says: March ...
1. Options calculator in Zerodha Trader doesn’t work, despite fixing all issues as explained in your website/msg board. 2. When pricing options using B&S model for Nifty index, should i input the Nifty Underlying price or Nifty Current Month’s Future price. 3. Can i hedge a stock by...
Traders, Open Interest, MaxPain and Put Call ratio are some of the most misunderstood topics amongst beginner/amateur traders; below is our attempt to
Traders, We have received a lot of queries over the past few days on what the new rates of STT and CTT are and when are they applicable from. Firstly, STT