也可以直接使用官方demo进行测试(官方demo使用人数较多,有时候会崩。。。) 效果 源码学习 工程结构 运行代码为gradio_new.py。其中主要函数为main_run()和sample_model() main_run() 首先对输入图像调用模型models['clip_fe']进行预处理,转成能够进行nsfw检查的图像格式。 调用models['nsfw']检测输入图像是否包含...
Project Page | Paper | Weights | Live Demo 🤗 Zero-1-to-3: Zero-shot One Image to 3D Object Ruoshi Liu1, Rundi Wu1, Basile Van Hoorick1, Pavel Tokmakov2, Sergey Zakharov2, Carl Vondrick1 1Columbia University, 2Toyota Research Institute Novel View Synthesis: 3D Reconstruction: Updat...
Run our gradio demo for novel view synthesis: python gradio_new.py Note that this app uses around 22 GB of VRAM, so it may not be possible to run it on any GPU. Training Script (preliminary) Download image-conditioned stable diffusion checkpoint released by Lambda Labs: wget https://cv...
Live demo released 🤗:https://huggingface.co/spaces/cvlab/zero123-live. Shout out to Huggingface for funding this demo!! We've optimized our code base with some simple tricks and the current demo runs at around 22GB VRAM so it's runnable on a RTX 3090/4090(Ti)!
One-2-3-45是一个单张图像在45s以内生成3D mesh的架构。 https://github.com/One-2-3-45/One-2-3-45github.com/One-2-3-45/One-2-3-45 也支持输入文字,生成对应图像,然后生成3D模型。 官方试玩demo https://huggingface.co/spaces/One-2-3-45/One-2-3-45huggingface.co/spaces/One-2-...
网址: https://huggingface.co/spaces/sudo-ai/zero123plus-demo-space Zero123++ 也是一个可以根据单张图像生成多视角图像的模型,图像上传后点击 Generate,等待几分钟就能得到多个视角的图像,同样支持修改 cfg 参数、Inference Steps 和种子值来优化图像效果。由于它的视角非常多样,所以生成的图像也可以用来训练单个物体...
Zero123++一键出六视图(免费免注册)(需要魔法!!!)网址:https://huggingface.co/spaces/sudo-ai/zero123plus-demo-space一学就会的技能点 知识 设计·创意 教程 六视图 zero123 免费 一键 sd aigc midjourney stablediffusion没MayGame 发消息 吸猫、潮玩、软件...
一张照片,就能生成多角度图片,AI 3D 建模的发展又进一步。 左边是原始图片,右边是 AI 生成的多视角图片。 官方还发了 demo,网页在线可以体验: https://huggingface.co/spaces/sudo-ai/zero123plus-demo-space 项目刚刚开源,感兴趣的小伙伴不妨试一试。
Zero [Demo Version] lyric,Zero [Demo Version] song by Neurosis,seed music provides free online trial listening, if you like it, please share it with your friends