Zero-shot Learning / One-shot Learning / Few-shot Learning 在 迁移学习 中,由于传统深度学习的 学习能力弱,往往需要 海量数据 和 反为: Zero-shot ... one-shot learning zero-shot learnig 海量数据 深度学习 泛化 论文总结 | ZERO-SHOT VISUAL IMITATION(持续更) 论文地址 zero shot 强化学习论文 模...
Latent Embedding Feedback and Discriminative Features for Zero-Shot Classification学习笔记 abstract 目前在zero-shot领域的一些最先进的方法大多都是用了GAN模型,使用对应类别的语义嵌入来合成未知类别的类别特征,但是存在的问题是在生成语义一致性特征的时候忽略了对特征合成、特征分类的限制。而且一些额外添加的模型(比...
1. embeddings(嵌入): 将数据从高维空间映射到低维空间。对于我们要进行的文本分类工作来说,embeddings是文本数据的向量/矩阵形式,这种格式便于计算机的处理。 2. zero-shot classification(零样本分类): 模型对没有经过训练的类别进行分类。也就是说 ,模型在进行分类时,要从一个全新的类别中做出预测,而不是仅限于...
2 任务抽象 联系小样本问题,可以将零样本问题抽象成one-shot的小样本问题,Base Set为已知类图片集,Support Set是未知类的语义标签,Query则是未知类的图片,因此我们需要解决的问题就是找到一个合适的空间能够衡量语义标签和图片之间的相似度。典型的基于这种抽象形式解决零样本图像分类问题的方法是判别模型。 联系全监督...
Selective classification Defined attributesResidual attributesRisk-coverage trade-offIn this paper, we introduce a selective zero-shot classification problem: how can the classifier avoid making dubious predictions? Existing attribute-based zero-shot classification methods are shown to work poorly in the ...
This PR does 3 things: It adds support for the hypothesis_template argument from the 0-shot pipeline, which is important for customizing 0-shot classification It removes the requirement for having at least 2 labels in the label list. This wasn't really
The ZeroShotClassificationPipeline is currently not supported by shap, but you can use a workaround. The workaround is required because: The shap Explainer forwards only one parameter to the model (a pipeline in this case), but the ZeroShotClassificationPipeline requires two parameters...
该模型基于NLI的零点文本分类模型,参看Yin et al (2019) Benchmarking Zero-shot Text Classification: Datasets, Evaluation and Entailment Approach. 另一个模型是distilbert-base-uncased-mnli,该模型是uncased DistilBERT model在Multi-Genre Natural Language Inference (MNLI)上微调产生的。MNLI语料库包含大约433k...
We demonstrate through extensive experiments that the proposed method (1) alleviates the hubness problem, (2) overcomes the domain shift problem, and (3) significantly outperforms existing methods for zero-shot classification on five benchmark datasets....