在本文中,我们使用来自 CLIP 的预训练模型完成了zero-shot的referring image segmentation,其中以一致的方式处理图像和表达式的global和local的context。为了在给定文本引用表达式的情况下定位图像中的object mask,我们提出了一种mask-guided visual encoder,该encoder在给定mask的情况下捕获图像的global和local的context需不需...
Zero-shot Referring Image Segmentation with Global-Local Context Features This repogitory store the code for implementing the Global-Local CLIP algorithm for zero-shot referring image segmentation.Zero-shot Referring Image Segmentation with Global-Local Context Features Seonghoon Yu, Paul Hongsuck Seo,...
In this paper, we study a challenging task of zero-shot referring image segmentation. This task aims to identify the instance mask that is most related to a referring expression without training on pixel-level annotations. Previous research takes advantage of pre-trained cross-modal models, e.g...
公众号:皮皮嬉Zero-shot Referring Image Segmentation with Global-Local Context FeaturesGoogle Researchhttps://githu… ASV 之后,开启语音生成之路 李稀敏 厦门大学 计算机硕士 概述2023年半年来,复现了 VALL-E/SPEAR-TTS/SOUNDSTORM/NATURAL SPEECH 2等主流技术路线,涉及TRANSFORMER AR/NAR、DIFFUSION DD… ...
本文提出了一种zero-shot的Referring image segmentation方法,该方法利用了来自CLIP的pre-train的跨模态知识。所提方法的性能明显优于 人工智能 图像分割 编码器 数据集 原创 whao143 5月前 32阅读 深度学习zero shot # 深度学习与零样本学习 在过去的几年里,深度学习在计算机视觉、自然语言处理和语音识别等领...
Wang, Z., et al.: CRIS: clip-driven referring image segmentation. In: Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, pp. 11686–11695 (2022) Google Scholar Xie, G., et al.: IM-IAD: industrial image anomaly detection benchmark in manufacturing. arXiv ...
Zero-Shot Semantic Segmentation Different from open-vocabulary segmentation (cross-dataset), zero-shot methods split each dataset to seen classes and unseen classes. Referring Image Segmentation Fully-Supervised Referring Image Segmentation Weakly-Supervised Referring Image Segmentation ...
Han, “URVOS: Unified referring video object segmentation network with a large-scale benchmark,” in Proc. 16th European Conf. Computer Vision, Glasgow, UK, 2020, pp. 208–223.. Google Scholar [96] M. Bellver, C. Ventura, C. Silberer, I. Kazakos, J. Torres, and X. Giro-i-...
aws_role=Session().get_caller_identity_arn()model_id,model_version="huggingface-text2text-flan-t5-xxl","*"endpoint_name=f"jumpstart-example-{model_id}"instance_type="ml.g5.12xlarge"# Retrieve the inference docker container URI.deploy_image_uri=image_uris.retri...
Disco: Disentangled control for referring human dance generation in real world. arXiv:2307.00040, 2023. 8 [51] Weiyao Wang, Matt Feiszli, Heng Wang, and Du Tran. Unidentified video objects: A benchmark for dense, open- world segmentation. In ICCV, 2021. 4 [52] Guangxuan Xiao, ...