基于语义输出码的Zero-Shot Learning zero-shot learning的目的是学习一个分类器 f:X→Y ,分类器可以预测出训练集里遗漏缺失的新值。为此我们定义语义输出码分类器(semantic output code classifier(SOC))的概念,它可以利用 Y 的语义只是来推断新的类。论文给出了这类分类器的形式并研究了在PAC框架下的理论性质,...
Hinton等在2009年的Zero-shot learning with semantic output codes这篇论文里,提到的语意输出编码方式,思想其实与DAP的思路类似,也是在之前的特征空间与标签之间增加了一层,这里增加的一层不再是数据本身的属性,而是标签本身的编码,说简单点就是NLP里面的词向量(word2vec),通过将标签进行词向量的编码,利用模型基于...
Zero-Shot相关论文阅读报告 Zero-Shot Learning with Semantic Output Codes 论文:Zero-Shot Learning with Semantic Output Codes We consider the problem of zero-shot learni...
zero-shot learning Zero-shot Learning 参考文献《Zero-Shot Learning with Semantic Output Codes》 背景 在分类问题中,因为数据库大小有限,因此在使用分类模型进行预测时,出现了在训练集没有出现过的类别。举个例子,我们有个小型数据库,里面所含的类别只有人、鸟、汽车,经过我们的训练,发现模型对于这些类别的目标...
We consider the problem of zero-shot learning, where the goal is to learn a clas- sifier f : X ! Y that must predict novel values of Y that were omitted from the training set. To achieve this, we define the notion of a semantic output code classifier (SOC) which utilizes a knowledg...
Zero-shot learning with semantic output codes. In NIPS, 2009. [28] G. Patterson and J. Hays. Sun attribute database: Discover- ing, annotating, and recognizing scene attributes. In CVPR, 2012. [29] R. Qiao, L. Liu, C. Shen, and A. van den Hengel. Less is more: Zero-shot ...
Zero-shot learning with semantic output codes. In: Proceedings of Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, 2009 Pourpanah F, Abdar M, Luo Y X, et al. A review of generalized zero-shot learning methods. IEEE Trans Pattern Anal Mach Intell, 2023, 45: 4051–4070 Google Scholar ...
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Geoffrey E. Hinton, and Tom Michael Mitchell. Zero-shot learning with semantic output codes. In ...