Grounded SAM 借助Grounding DINO强大的Zero-Shot检测能力,Grounded SAM可以通过文本描述就可以找到图片中的任意物体,然后通过Segment Anything强大的分割能力,细粒度的分割出mask,最后还可以利用Stable Diffusion对分割出来的区域做可控的文图生成。 Grounding DINO例子 Grounded-Segment-Anything例子 Gradio APP 同时我们还提供...
我们需要复现两个Zero-shot的开源项目,分别为IDEA研究院的GroundingDINO和Facebook的SAM。首先使用目标检测方法GroundingDINO,输入想检测目标的文字提示,可以获得目标的anchor box。将上一步获得的box信息作为SAM的提示,分割出目标mask。具体效果如下(测试数据来自VolumeDeform数据集): 其中GroundingDINO根据white shirt的文字...
Grounding DINO and SAM are powerful AI models that can assist in the dataset annotation process. Grounding DINO is capable of zero-shot detection of any object in the image, while SAM can convert these bounding boxes into instance segmentation masks. ...
(e.g., linking a 'thumb-up' gesture to a 'like' button). We introduce GestureGPT, a novel zero-shot gesture understanding and grounding framework leveraging large language models (LLMs). Gesture descriptions are formulated based on hand landmark coordinates from gesture videos and fed into ...
To eliminate the annotation costs, we make a first exploration to tackle spatio-temporal video grounding in a zero-shot manner. Our method dispenses with the need for any training videos or annotations; instead, it localizes the target object by leveraging pre-trained vision-language models and...
最强Zero-Shot视觉应用:Grounding DINO + Segment Anyth...,曾经整个香港都为关淑怡的歌声而痴狂,如今却沦落到这等地步,着实让人叹息。不过归根结底,这都是她自己的选择造成的结果。
GestureGPT: Toward Zero-shot Interactive Gesture Understanding and Grounding with Large Language Model Agents 下载积分: 199 内容提示: GestureGPT: Toward Zero-shot Free-form Hand GestureUnderstanding with Large Language Model AgentsXin Zeng ∗Institute of ComputingTechnology, Chinese Academy ofSciences....
2.4.RAM+GroundingDINO+SAM的简单使用 后续还有一些其他项目:本篇文章主要对Grounded-SAM项目的部署以及使用进行讲解,目的是使读者可以直接参考文档去使用Grounded-SAM,而无需再去参考Github一步步自己去分析尝试(也算是我使用过程中的心得)。 对于Grounded-SAM 技术报告的paper阅读可以跳转链接: 全自动标注集成项目(Groun...
视觉定位 (VG, Visual Grounding) 是视觉和语言领域的一个关键主题,它将由文字表达描述的特定区域定位...
computer-visionopenaiclassificationclipzero-shotchatgptsegment-anythingopen-vocabulary-detectionopen-vocabulary-segmentationgrounding-dino UpdatedJan 14, 2025 Python YvanYin/Metric3D Star1.6k Code Issues Pull requests The repo for "Metric3D: Towards Zero-shot Metric 3D Prediction from A Single Image" and...