这篇文章发在ICCV 2023。 Your Diffusion Model is Secretly a Zero-Shot Classifier动机过往生成模型虽然能够对完整分布建模,但是大多情况用来生成而非判别, 直接将生成模型拿来分类很少。着眼于 zero-shot的情…
diffusion model (七) diffusion model是一个zero-shot 分类器 Paper:Your Diffusion Model is Secretly a Zero-Shot Classifier Website:diffusion-classifier.github.io/ 背景 最近,出现了一系列大规模的文生图模型,它们极大地增强了我们通过文字生成图片的能力。这些模型可以根据各种提示生成逼真的图片,展现出惊人的综...
ZeroShot Image Classifier(Zeroshot)是一款面向开发人员的开源工具,可从文本描述中创建图像分类器。它结合了大型图像数据集(LAION5B)和文本搜索模型(CLIP)以及一个预训练模型(DinoV2)来实现图像分类。使用文本的力量创建分类器,具有低延迟、快速高效的实时图像分类能力,并且可以离线访问,方便随时随地进行部署。
zero-shot classifier表现怎么样?参照模型Linear Probe on ResNet50:ResNet-50 + logistic regression。
We propose a selective zero-shot classifier based on both the human defined and the automatically discovered residual attributes. The proposed classifier is constructed by firstly learning the defined and the residual attributes jointly. Then the predictions are conducted within the subspace of the ...
Given a Zero-Shot Classification Task via Huggingface as follows: from transformers import pipeline classifier = pipeline("zero-shot-classification", model="facebook/bart-large-mnli") example_text = "This is an example text about snowflakes in the summer" labels = ["weather", "s...
The “Zero Shot Text Classification with Hugging Face” solution provides a way to classify text without the need to train a model for specific labels (zero-shot classification) by using a pre-trained text classifier. The default zero-shot classification model for this solution is the fac...
用GAN做 feature extraction infoGAN 原来的GAN: infoGAN: 把输入z分成两部分,假设z是20维,把前十维叫做c,后十维叫做z‘。训练一个...encoder还是decoder算法: BiGAN和AutoEncoder在最优条件下训练结果相同。 TripleGAN一个generator,一个discriminator,一个classifier ...