Public CloudSichere und dedizierte Private-Cloud-Plattformen MulticloudReduced hybrid and multicloud platform complexity Zero Trust Access Bieten Sie einen sicheren Zugang für standortferne Mitarbeiter, Geräte und Cloud-Anwendungen.
轻松扩展 Zero Trust 首先保护关键应用和高风险用户群体,然后扩展云原生 ZTNA 以保护整体业务。 工作方式 管理整个环境中的用户访问 Cloudflare Access 验证并保护员工和第三方对企业所有自托管、SaaS 和非 Web 应用的访问,帮助减轻风险,确保用户体验快捷、流畅。
Access 验证上下文(例如身份和设备态势),在整个环境中保护访问——无需 VPN。 与专家讨论获取产品简介 立即试用我们的 Free 计划,开始体验! Cloudflare Access 的优点 轻松扩展 Zero Trust 首先保护关键应用和高风险用户群体,然后扩展云原生 ZTNA 以保护整体业务。
Thinfinity offers a unified platform for Zero Trust Access, VDI, Cloud Management, and PAM. Enhance security, simplify administration, and reduce costs with flexible hybrid deployments.
The Zero Trust Access Client (ZTA Client) is part of the Zero Trust Access Service. The ZTA Client connects to the ZTA Cloud Controller for administration of se…
Find out how Zero Trust Access principles can deliver point-to-point connectivity, without agents or appliances, eliminating network level threats.
Deloitte’s Zero Trust Access (ZTA) managed service combines proprietary technology, domain experience, and industry insights to provide a powerful approach that accelerates Zero Trust adoption with greater efficiency, security, and value. Our service helps securely connect what matters: users to applica...
Features of Zero Trust AccessAdaptive authenticationVerify access based on defined contextual factors like IP address, location, and device.Multifactor authentication (MFA)Improve your security posture with an additional layer of user verification.Policy-based session accessReduce access privileges dynamically...
首先进入Cloudflare Zero Trust控制台,选择侧边栏中的Access,进入Applications子页面。 点击Add an application按钮,类型选择Self-hosted,进入Configure application页面。 以图中为例,Application name可以是任意名字,Session Duration则可以理解为这一次身份认证的有效期。Application domain按自己的实际需求来填。如果你想要只...
Zero Trust 零信任安全是一种 IT 安全模型,要求试图访问专用网络上资源的每一个人和每台设备(无论位于网络边界之内还是之外)都必须进行严格的身份验证。 ZTNA (Zero Trust Network Access) 是与 Zero Trust 架…