...在利益交换过程中「一方有所得,则另一方必有所失」的零合赛局理论(zero-sum game theory)也由是确立。 www.managertoday.com.tw|基于14个网页 2. 零和赛局理论 一方有所得,则另一方必有所失的零和赛局理论(zero-sum game theory)因此确立。从此,赛局理论在经济学界有广泛的讨 … ...
Game用在这里表示“博弈、对策”,著名的game theory(博弈理论),就是研究冲突对抗条件下最优决策问题的理论。 “The Cold War mentality and zero-sum game are increasingly obsolete,” Xi said. “Only by adhering to peaceful development and working together ...
•A new skin pixels detection method based on a zero-sum game theory is presented.•The proposed combination scheme can carry any number of classifiers.•In the proposed game the skin and non-skin regions represent the players.•The proposed utility function reduces significantly the false ...
Introduction to Zero-Sum and Non-Zero-Sum Concepts Particularly in game theory, we frequently find zero-sum and non-zero-sum games discussed in the world of games. A zero-sum game is one in which one player’s gain corresponds to another’s defeat. Consider it like a pizza...
Zero-Sum Game又称零和游戏,与非零和博弈相对,是博弈论的一个社会学的概念术语。零和游戏源于博弈论,现代博弈理论由匈牙利大数学家冯·诺伊曼于20世纪20年代开始创立,1944年他与经济学家奥斯卡·摩根斯特恩合作出版的巨著《博弈论与经济行为》,标志着现代系统博弈理论的初步形成。属非合作博弈。它是...
Repeated zero-sum two-person games of incomplete information on one side are considered. If the one-shot game is played sequentially, the informed player moving first, it is proved that the value of then-shot game is constant inn and is equal to the concavification of the game in which ...
zero-sum game "zero-sum game" 它的意思是 "零和博弈" "zero-sum game"这个短语最早出现在经济学和博弈论领域。它的出处可以追溯到19世纪早期,当时经济学家约翰·冯·纽曼(John von Neumann)和奥斯卡·摩根斯特恩(Oskar Morgenstern)在他们的合著作品《博弈论》(Theory of Games and E...
英文: Futures trading is a zero-sum game.中文: 期货交易是一种零和游戏。英文: Programming is not a zero-sum game.中文: 编程并非零和的游戏。英文: Neither zero-sum nor game is the choice of the state or society.中文: 零和博弈都不是国家与社会的选择,寻求合作是两者的共同目标。
theory"".Ifaplayerlosesorwins,onesidewins,andtheother loses,andthetotalscoreofthegameisalwayszero.The"zero sumgame"ispopular,becausepeoplearefoundinallaspects ofthesocietyandthe"zerosumgame"similarsituation, Victor'sgloryisoftenhiddenbehindthebitternessoffailure ...
Eggers, D. (2011). Hobbes and Game Theory Revisited: Zero-Sum Games in the State of Nature. Southern Journal of Philosophy 49(3): 193-226. http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.2041-6962.2011.00071.x/abstractEggers, D. (2011) Hobbes and Game Theory Revisited: Zero-Sum Games ...